It carries no memory or time, it drifts...
One can see more than one view and more than one function.
It is defined as a limited process.
In an endless change, where monotony does not exist...
Assuming level zero at some points.
It also has critical stages where it reaches maximum levels, and then begins to decrease.
Once the extremes meet... nobody knows what it is.
It continues...
Choreographers: Clara Andermatt, Irina de Oliveira, and Shang-Jen Yuan 袁尚仁
Directors: Aurélio Vasques and Bernardo Sassetti
Performers: Bernardo Sassetti, Irina de Oliveira, and Shang-Jen Yuan 袁尚仁
Composer: Bernardo Sassetti
Editor: Aurélio Vasques
Costume Designer: Clara Andermatt
Cinematographers: Bruno Gonçalves and Paulo Fernandes
Producers: Bernardo Sassetti and Companhia Nacional de Bailado (National Ballet of Portugal)
"Deriva" was invited to attend the 24th Mediawave Festival in Hungary in 2014, and the 7th International Videoart Festival - Proyector in Madrid in 2014